Violence against women has become a document
As indicated by the National Crime Records Bureau, with ‘Vikas’ and ‘Pragati’, wrongdoing against
Profile – Ajay Kohli
Mr. Ajay Kohli Multimedia Journalist & Writer Email: Objective: Skills: Work Experience: Present:
Journalists are murdered in India and their
India ranks 14th on the list with 18 murders of journalists from 2008 to
The custom of news-casting has completely changed.
If in any case you do not get the paper on time for a
न्यूज-कास्टिंग का रिवाज पूरी तरह से बदल
The custom of news-casting has completely changed
ड्रग के सेवन से लाखों बच्चे और
Drug use affects millions of children and youth पिछले कुछ दशकों में, ड्रग के