Online fraud of mafia in IELTS
Selling Certificates, Claiming Required High Band Score
Candidates are wasting both money and time
The mafia, which claims to sell IELTS certificates and get high band scores, is also fully active in the online system. Many students who are weak or afraid of exams. They waste their money and time by believing the claims of such fake agents. A large number of websites making such claims come to the fore on searching online. Such websites keep on advertising to sell IELTS certificate without any fear and get high band score in IELTS. The shocking thing is that these fake websites also make tall claims of proving the certificates sold by them to be true during official checking from the organizers of IELTS. However, steps are being taken by the organizers of IELTS to avoid fraud. But in spite of this, the youth who want to clear the IELTS exam without hard work get easily caught in the trap spread by this mafia. On doing online research, you will come across many such websites which also offer to buy IELTS certificate. In which the purchase of IELTS certificate and those who get the required high band score are promised to accept the fixed amount in two installments. In this, the first installment will have to be paid immediately at the start of this process and the second installment will have to be paid by the candidate at the time of obtaining the certificate of IELTS. Mafia easily traps the candidates of IELTS exam due to this offer.

Now when the mafia’s spread racket becomes successful in this fraud and the aspirant of IELTS exam comes to know that he has been a victim of a fraud. After this fraud, he has no way but to condemn it. He does not have the courage to complain of legal action against the fraud. He himself being a part of the illegal process, he does not want to complain about the fraud that took place during that period. Even if a candidate moves towards taking some action, then the people of the mafia who cheat him start threatening him. By the time the victim finds out, the fraudsters have already taken half the amount in euros or dollars. After getting half the amount, even the fraud mafia does not have any hope of the outstanding amount. He then starts cheating by trapping the new victim. These fake websites, which sell IELTS certificates and claim to get high band scores in IELTS, ask the candidates to deposit the amount in the credit card or bank account so that the candidate feels that everything is valid. Fraudsters easily give bank account details. The main reason for this is that even after searching the owner of such bank account is not known.
The fraudsters of IELTS exam can even claim that they can inquire about the authenticity of the IELTS certificate they have purchased from the official website of IELTS. The candidate can satisfy himself from the website. This claim alone leads to fraud from the candidate. Fraudsters have created such fake websites. Those who give the confidence of the authenticity of the IELTS certificate by verifying the questions of the candidate. On the other hand many concrete steps are being taken by idp and british council ielts to make the IELTS exam reliable all over the world. Dexting the efforts made by idp and british council to maintain the credibility and security of this test of international language english, it can be said with certainty that it is impossible to buy ielts exam certificate and required high band score.
Those who are engaged in fraud who claim to sell IELTS certificate, they only cheat the candidates by luring them. Taking advantage of the incomplete information of the candidates and their innocence, they make a fool of cheating. Aspirants should avoid these fraudsters and crack the IELTS exam with their hard work and get a high band score. If for some reason they do not pass in the IELTS exam, then it will be safe for the IELTS candidates to focus on working hard again.